News & Articles

The EPR newsletter 26/4 is finalized and is now wavailable
1.       We are pleased to announce this year’s IES Awards
The EPR newsletter 27/1-2 (2017) is available at the newsletter
The ESR Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and
The EPR newsletter 27/3 (2017) is available at the newsletter
The new IES Executives for the years 2018-2020 (beginning Jan 1st
EPR newsletter 27/4 (2017) is now available online at
The new EPR newsletter (28/1-2) in now online.  Available on the newsletter
The International EPR(ESR) Society is sorry to announce the death
The International EPR/ESR Society (IES) and the NSF-supported SharedEPR Network
The IES grieves the loss of Prof. Harvey Buckmaster, a fellow
The 2019 Anatole Abragam Prize will be awarded at the
The IES announces the NEW 2019 IES Best Paper Award.
The EPR newsletter 28/4 is available online, 
We are pleased to announce this year’s IES Awards and
We are happy to announce that the inaugural “IES best
New EPR newsletter 29/1-2 (2019) is available online at the newsletter
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