Vol.30/1-2 Public

Contents  EPR newsletter 30/1-2 2020


by Laila Mosina

IES business

Letter of the President

IES Virtual EPR Meetings

by Nino Wili


IES Gold Medal 2020 to Jörg Wrachtrup

2020 IES Fellowships: Daniella Goldfarb and David Britt

Klaus-Peter Dinse: Zavoisky Award 2020

Nabeel Aslam: Bruker Thesis Prize 2020

Claire Motion: Bruker Thesis Prize 2019

Frauke Breitgoff: JEOL Prize 2019

Michal Leskes : Abragam Prize 2019


50th Anniversary of the ESR Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry

by Eric J. L. McInnes and Christiane R. Timmel

30 Years of Applied Magnetic Resonance – New Structure:

an Interview with the Editors-in-Chief

In memoriam

Professor Les (Leslie) H. Sutcliffe (1924–2020)

by Shirley Fairhurst


LOGS – Automated Scientific Data Management for Spectroscopy

by Jakob J. Lopez

Conference reports

XIth Conference of the European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR 2019)

by Michal Zalibera

International Conference “Magnetic Resonance – Current State and Future Perspectives (EPR-75)”

by Alexey A. Kalachev and Dmitry A. Tayurskii

The 48th Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference (SEMRC)

by Anil Mehta, Tatyana I. Smirnova and Alex I. Smirnov

8th EFEPR School on Advanced EPR

by Petr Neugebauer

IES Virtual EPR Meeting

by Dennis Bücker, Thomas Schmidt, Joshua Wort and Muhammad Abdullah

New EPR faculty

New books & journals

Pioneers of Magnetic Resonance

by E. Thomas Strom and Vera V. Mainz (eds.)

Spin-Label Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

by Derek Marsh

Notices of meetings

Market place


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