
The International EPR/ESR Society (IES) is pleased to announce a new travel award for PhD  students and fixed-term contract post-doctoral researchers to attend IES sponsored conferences in 2025. Each award will provide funding of up to 750 $ (US) to cover conference related expenses, with up to two awards for each conference. The list of conferences eligible for travel awards in 2025 can be found below.

The PhD student or fixed-term contract post-doctoral researcher should write a short case for the merit of their attendance at the conference and how the IES grant will enable this. They should include their abstract for their conference contribution. These should be emailed to the group secretary, along with a short letter of support from their supervisor on headed paper and including a signature.

Travel awards in 2025 will be decided on the basis of a valid case being presented, and in order of the applications being made. Deadline for application is the registration deadline of the respective conference.

Successful candidates should indicate the support of the IES during their conference contribution.

The applicant and their supervisor should be an existing member of the IES. Successful applicants, who are awarded once, cannot apply again.

The stipend will be presented after the conference on receipt of a certificate of attendance at the conference, together with a list of encountered travel/registration costs and a short article on their experiences of the conference for the IES Newsletter.

Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
  • Chamonix Mont-Blanc
  • The Alpine conference is a high-level international forum for the discussion of recent developments and applications in the field of magnetic resonance in solids. The conference focuses on novel concepts, methods and instrumentation, as well as applications in fields including physics, chemistry, biology and materials science. Beyond its original and still core focus on solid-state NMR, the Alpine Conference welcomes contributions from EPR and MRI in solids.


    The program of the conference will consist of plenary lectures, perspective session, contributed oral communications, and round table sessions. Round table sessions will provide opportunities for discussions in small groups following a short pitch talk on contributed work. The perspective session will provide personal views on selected topics and open questions in the field.


    The following speakers will give plenary lectures: Alexander Barnes (ETH), Marina Bennati (University of Göttingen, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry), Christian Degen (ETH), Lyndon Emsley (EPFL), Mei Hong (MIT), Michal Leskes (Weizmann Institute of Science), Rachel Martin (University of California, Irvine), Tatyana Polenova (University of Delaware), Kâmil Uğurbil (University of Minnesota)


    Registration will open in March 2022 and the deadline for registration is May 31st, 2022. Registration will be limited to around 200 participants. A number of student grants will be available.

  • Zoom
  • [email protected]

    Dear all,

    We are pleased to announce that registration for the RSC ESR Group Annual Conference (12th-16th April 2021) is open.  Full details can be found on the conference website (, but a few brief points to note:


    • The fully online conference (hosted by Cardiff University) will be held via Zoom, with all talks scheduled to be delivered between 14.00 – 18.00 UK time.
    • There is no registration fee for attendance.
    • The conference will feature Bruker Prize awards for both 2020 and 2021 – please see website for full details.
    • The IES is sponsoring two poster prizes.
    • Abstract deadline for oral contributions, JEOL prize talks and poster entries: 26th February 2021
    • Please email all abstracts to the conference email address: [email protected]


    Please spread the word to your colleagues within the international EPR community, and encourage registration/ abstract submission.


    We look forward to seeing you all online!


    Best wishes,

    Dr Emma Richards (local organiser, on behalf of The RSC ESR Interest Group Committee)


  • Online- ZOOM
  • We announce the second Intercontinental Magnetic Resonance Conference on Methods and Applications, ICONS-2021, on February 10 – 12 (2021), 12:00-15:00 hrs. (Berlin/Paris, CEST).

    This will be a discussion meeting, addressing not only the latest progress, but also open problems and existing gaps in understanding. This ICONS-Discussions meeting will focus on exchange of ideas between nuclear spins and electron spins practitioners. We hope to address perspectives in EPR/NMR/DNP with focus on methods, applications, and hardware.

  • Honolulu, HAWAII, USA
  • Symposium#60: Advances in Biological Solid-State NMR (Preliminary schedule: December 15, 2020 – December 20, 2020)

    Symposium#343: Free radicals in biology, chemical synthesis and functional bio‐/nanomaterials (Preliminary schedule: December 18, 2020 – December 19, 2020)

    Pacifichem website:

    For EPR/Free radical Symposium Email: [email protected]


  • Web
  • [email protected]
  • 19 November

    14:30-14:50 Greetings from Paola Fattibene (GIRSE President – ISS) &

    Greeting from Sabine Van Doorslaer (EFEPR President – Univ. of Antwerp)

    14:50-15:20 Marco Affronte (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

    15:20-15:50 Lapo Bogani (Univ. Oxford)

    15:50-16:00 Greeting fromKev M. Salikhov ‘Special Issue as present to Dante’ (Editor-in-Chief of Applied Magnetic Resonance, Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)

    16:00-16:30 Francesco Di Benedetto (Univ. of Florence)

    16:30-17:00 Etienne Goovaerts (Univ. of Antwerp)


    20 November

    14:30-15:00 Lorenzo Sorace (Univ. of Florence)

    15:00-15:15 Greetings from Elio Giamello (Univ. of Turin)

    15:15-15:45 Joris van Slageren (Univ. of Stuttgart)

    15:45-16:00 Greeting from Roberta Sessoli (Univ. Of Florence)

    16:00-16:30 Anne-Laure Barra (LNCMI-CNRS)

    16:30-17:00 Mario Chiesa (Univ. of Turin)  

    17:00-17:10 Concluding remarks


  • Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
  • This conference will be a combined meeting of the “16th In Vivo EPR Spectroscopy and Imaging” and the “13th Spin Trapping/Spin Labeling” conferences.

  • University of Essex, Colchester UK
  • [email protected]
  • Together with the Bruker Corporation, we are also pleased to announce the 2nd Bruker ESR Thesis Prize, set up to recognize outstanding work by PhD students in the field of ESR Spectroscopy. The winner will give a prize lecture at the above conference. All expenses will be covered.

  • Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  • [email protected]
  • Abstract submission and travel grants applications: April 3, 2015
    “Nitroxide Radicals: Synthesis and Functional Bio-/Nanomaterials” SYMPOSIUM #309
    Alex Smirnov: 1-919-513-4377
    Steven Bottle: [email protected]
    Rui Tamura: [email protected]

    Two Poster Awards will be given in this meeting to young investigators.

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