IES Best paper Award, 2019/2020

IES Best paper Award, 2019/2020

We are happy to announce that the “IES best paper Award” winners for 2019-20 are:

  • Dr. Fei Kong from University of Science and Technology of China, for the paper “Kilohertz electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of single nitrogen centers at zero magnetic field”,  Science Advances  27 May 2020 Vol. 6, no. 22, eaaz8244  (additional authors Pengju Zhao, PeiYu, Zhuoyang Qin, Zhehua Huang, Zhecheng Wang, Mengqi Wang, Fazhan Shi, and Jiangfeng Du)
  • Dr. Jason W. Sidabras from MPI Mulheim, for the paper ““Extending electron paramagnetic resonance to nanoliter volume protein single crystals using a self-resonant microhelix”, Science Advances 04 Oct 2019: Vol. 5, no. 10, eaay1394 (additional authors Jifu Duan, Martin Winkler, Thomas Happe, Rana Hussein, Athina Zouni, Dieter Suter, Alexander Schnegg, Wolfgang Lubitz, and Edward J. Reijerse)
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