Bruker ESR Thesis Prize

The ESR Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Bruker Corporation are pleased to invite applications for the 2022 Bruker ESR Thesis Prize – the award and a prize lecture will be given at the 55th ESR Group Meeting which we hope will take place as a face to face meeting in St Andrews (Scotland) in June 2022. The thesis prize, which was set up to recognize outstanding work by PhD students in the field of electron spin resonance, is now in its 8th year and has attracted some truly outstanding work. Further information and the online application system are on our website:


The deadline for 2022 Bruker ESR Thesis Prize applications is 12:00 (UK time) on 01 December 2021. Applications should take the form of four PDF files (1-page summary, full thesis, supervisor support letter, examiner support letter) to be uploaded via our online application portal. To be eligible the thesis defence (viva) should have been conducted within 730 days of the application deadline. Please contact the group secretary, Dr Chris Wedge, with any questions ([email protected]).


Best wishes,




Dr Chris Wedge MChem DPhil Oxf, FHEA, MRSC

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