New Award announcement from IES – Best paper Award

The IES announces the NEW 2019 IES Best Paper Award. The IES looks forward to highlighting exciting advances and breakthrough development in the broad area of EPR and ESR published during 2018 or early 2019. This award will be given to up 2 publications per year, and the first author recognized with this award. The expectation is that the first author is a young scientist. Nomination can be made by any IES member, faculty or student. If self-nomination is made, it can be made only by the first author or the corresponding author.  Nomination by first author should be accompanied by letter from the corresponding author explaining the role of the first author. Deadline for this Award is April 1st 2019.

The application material that includes the following items should be packed into a single PDF document and emailed to the IES secretary [email protected] .

1) Cover letter not exceeding 1 page with your name, role and affiliation, full citation of the paper and explanation as to why this paper represents an exciting advance and breakthrough development in the broad area of EPR and ESR.

2) PDF of the nominated publication.

3) If applicable, letter from the corresponding author, not exceeding 1 page, explaining the role of the first author.

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