Post-doctoral position for the implementation of EPR spectroscopy in the UNC Chapel Hill Department of Chemistry’s NMR Core Laboratory 

The EPR Post-Doctoral Scholar in the NMR Core plays a key role in implementing and expanding the use of EPR spectroscopy in the Core while also supporting NMR spectroscopy consistent with their expertise.  This individual will collaborate with faculty, post-docs and students in magnetic resonance as well as train users and assist with the maintenance of instrumentation.  The position is designed to enhance and develop managerial skills while expanding technical expertise in magnetic resonance.


The research role (50%) includes a heavy emphasis on developing standard and advanced operating procedures in EPR spectroscopy and sharing capabilities with students and researchers.  Training, seminars and advanced training workshops are expected along with simulations and direct consultation and collaboration with research groups.  EPR applications include low temperature, time resolved experiments and the monitoring of light induced chemistry.


The laboratory management role (50%) involves working with the laboratory team to maintain a readily accessible and reliable collection of instrumentation for the acquisition of EPR and NMR data.  This includes coordinating with core staff to support high throughput runs using the sample changers on NMR spectrometers, general maintenance of EPR and NMR spectrometers and associated magnets, diagnosing instrument issues and assisting and training users in both EPR and NMR spectroscopy.  Additional experience in managing a major magnetic resonance laboratory is possible, consistent with abilities.


Contact: Marc ter Horst, PhD.   NMR Core Laboratory Director

[email protected], 919-843-5802

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